The Entrepreneurial Leadership Program (ELP) is designed for a select group of students combining experiential learning with coaching. The goal is to help develop an entrepreneurial mindset and shape your skills needed to become a leader.

Students smiling at a table

Powerful opportunities for personal growth

The ELP curriculum is intense and hands-on, giving students the tools to launch their own businesses during or after college. ELP offers students the chance to embark on immersive US treks, providing them with valuable real-world experiences in entrepreneurship.

Get ready for an exciting adventure

Eligibility for the ELP program extends to University of Michigan students from all colleges and schools, but participation requires a formal application and selection process.

Engaging in the Entrepreneurial Leadership Program requires a one-year commitment.


Ultimately, we want you to ignite your passion for making a difference and motivate you to remain engaged with the programs at the CFE. Whether as a partner or coach, you can contribute to enriching others in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Our aim is for you to embark on a transformative path that not only shapes your own future but also leaves a lasting imprint on the world around you.

ELP Logo


With the Entrepreneurial Leadership Program, we’re not just handing you skills; we’re teaching you the tools to carve your path to success. We’re immersing you into refining the essential leadership skills that will set you apart and propel you into the ranks of the next generation of game-changers. The future is calling, and with ELP, you’re not just answering; you’re leading the charge!

program snapshot

Course Requirement

Students must enroll in ENTR 490.013/015, the 3-credit Entrepreneurial Leadership Course in the winter term, followed by the 3-credit Entrepreneurial Action and Vision Course in the fall term. Additionally, these courses satisfy the PCDC credit requirements within the College of Engineering.


As an ELP student, you’ll have unparalleled access to meetings with founders, investors, executives, and other notable entrepreneurs. These opportunities will be available to you both in the classroom and at campus events, as well as during our discovery treks. By taking advantage of these unique experiences, you’ll gain invaluable insights into the world of entrepreneurship.


Through the Coaching Connection program, students are paired with an entrepreneur, investor, or leader who can provide guidance and support in alignment with their career goals. Throughout the Winter semester, these pairs meet monthly to discuss progress and receive valuable insights. Additionally, participants are required to attend an informative session and complete relevant assessments as part of the program.


ELP students get practical experience in entrepreneurship during the summer via internships at startups, shadowing, or starting their own venture. CFE provides access to internships and connection with successful entrepreneurs, including at least one interview for a paid summer internship at a venture-backed startup. Interviews run January-February, and securing an internship is the student’s responsibility.

Ready To Make An Impact?

Give into your curiosity and click the link below to fill out our interest form and get ready to jump in.

The ELP Community

This group of doers aren’t just here to learn; they’re here to elevate, challenge, and support each other on the thrilling journey to becoming trailblazers. ELP isn’t just a program; it’s a community of future leaders.

Entrepreneurial Practice Programs Team

Nick Moroz

Director of Entrepreneurial Practice


Crista Deneau

Entrepreneurial Practice Program Manager


Alison Smith

Program Manager, Student Resources


Advising Topics


Student Note

The CFE offers support in negotiating job offers for students and can provide financial aid for summer internships at startups based on these conditions, please contact us for more information:

CoE Students
Women majoring in Computer Science
Venture-backed startup internships
Non-profit startup internships