It’s the spookiest time of the season! October is here, which means horror movies, fun costumes, and Halloween parties lay on the horizon. Just for fun, we’ve put together some spooky gifs that describe life as an entrepreneur. After all, starting your own venture in college can definitely feel scary at times! Read on to see how you can relate.

1. When you finally put your dream team together:

Animated gif of skeletons dancing in a circle

2. When your prototype actually works:

3. When you’re about to give your very first pitch:

4. When you hear someone else say “I want to start my own business”

5. When someone tells you you’ll never be successful, but you have to remain calm and confident:

6. When someone asks why you won’t just get a “normal” job:

7. On your way to the free food at the pitch conference:

8. When you’re willing to do anything to convince investors to fund your startup:

9. Feeling confident after your first advising appointment:

10. Discussing your competition:

11. When you realize you can actually make your business idea work:

12. When you’re feeling good after nailing a pitch presentation:

We hope you have a Happy Halloween! Have fun and stay safe.

If you’re scared about taking the next step, check out to learn how you can be prepared for the terror or life after school.

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